Search Results
Haplotype-aware variant calling with PEPPER-Margin... - Kishwar Shafin - ISCBacademy Webinar
Evaluating Variant Calling Tools for Non-Matched Next... - Sarah Sandmann - VarI - ISMB/ECCB 2017
"Chromosome-scale haplotype-resolved assembly" - Shilpa Garg #IntroductionToPangenomics
Xenbase JBrowse tutorial: Intro to JBrowse (selecting tracks, switching genomes, gene search..)
[Webinar] HiFi Long-read Sequencing for Rare & Inherited Diseases
BroadE: GATK - Genotype Refinement
Using HiFi Reads for Improved and Accurate Haplotyping and Phasing of Pharmacogenomic Alleles
MethPhaser: automated methylation-based haplotype phasing of human genomes with nanopore sequencing
J Decker: Using haplotype-based models for genomic prediction in crossbred animals & multiple breeds
ISSCR 2021: EBiSC2 Focus Session - Developments to simplify and accelerate iPSC research
2019 STAT115 Lect18.2 Tumor Mutation Calling
Tools for Polyploids Workshop: Overview of Linkage Maps (01 14 2021)